It is fascinating to work with different businesses like Seriesse International and to see how they approach their customers. There are those who are on the treadmill, working harder and faster taking in anything they can lay their hands on just to get turnover (the die hards). Then there are those who sit and focus on who makes a good customer and then commit unstintingly to seeking, attracting and converting those that they know are going to take them where they want to go – from financial, production capacity and market share perspectives (the seekers).
What are you? Of course it’s open to debate where the focus should be; externally or internally? I believe it is a balance between the two (and no I’m not sitting on the fence!). Having seen both sides of the coin many times, too much focus in one area leaves your business weak and susceptible in the other and, quite honesty, a ladder with one weak leg is still dangerous – it doesn’t really matter which leg it is!
However with Seriesse or any business, everything starts with who is going to buy your product or service. What do they want, what are their expectations, what is their level of understanding of what you have to offer and are you able (or willing) to satisfy – and exceed – their needs in order to build sustainability in the market place?
When last did you take a look at your customer base and determine how many good customers you have? A good exercise is to do is a quick Customer Grading Matrix. Here are two ways of doing this:
1) Establishing your existing customers’ position against two of your most important criteria:This first method is good if you have an established client base with regular repeat purchases and want to assess their worth to you as a company. Take a piece of paper and divide it into 4 quadrants making a square. Determine what the X and Y axis are going to be (turnover monthly/annually, payment method, level of useage (units/time/range), loyalty level, location etc. The selected X/Y axis definitions should be the two most critical characteristics you require in your clients in order for them to be “great” clients for you. Then, plot your clients accordingly to see which quadrant each one of them sits. Analyse the picture created and then plan your course of action going forward.
2)Assessing new client potential to select the best clients to add to your books:This second option is good if you need to increase your customer base and need to ensure you pull on-board more good customers. First, determine the characteristics that you believe make a good client. The same criteria as mentioned above can be used, however, this time create a quick bar chart eg one characteristic per bar (you can have as many as you need). Allocate a set number of “points” per category eg 10, and then rate each client, out of 10, for each of the characteristics you have settled on. When you start making contact with potential clients, mentally run them through your characteristic scoring mechanism (the bar chart) and see how you feel they would rate. If they score 80% or above you know they’re good for you, 60-80% look at what characteristics are pulling them down and determine whether or not these are critical, 50% or less you really need to take a close look to ensure you are not going to be running hard but getting nowhere!
Now, in my situation with Seriesse International or you situation with your business, how often do we find we are putting a lot of time, effort and resources into pulling on board customers who are not good for us in the long term? Our short-term turnover focus blinds us to the long-term value, ROI (Return on Investment) and ROE (Return on Effort).
There is nothing more rewarding than having a sustainable business built on a win/win of you taking your clients where they want to go while they are taking you where you want to go. After all isn’t that what we’re all striving for?
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Marketing Your Seriesse Business
Wether is with Seriesse or any other opportunity, many affiliates give up as quickly as they join any internet network marketing business. That is the real reason why most of the people who start internet mlm business ventures fail. This article talks about the importance of persistence and ways that you can exemplify this belief for your downline.
Persistent in belief
Some of the top Seriesse International online marketing gurus they firmly believe in consistency, this is a major key. The art of persuasion is partly founded in persistence. If you truly believe that you can achieve greater financial mastery online though your internet mlm business, your actions and even your words will translate such belief and affirmation. However if you waver in your thoughts, the power of your conviction will not be seen in the things that you do.
Time spent promoting
An internet mlm business like all sales and marketing business ventures requires time spent marketing and promoting online and Seriesse International is not an exception. Let no one try to seduce you into joining one million hits per day hit exchanges, because for the amount of time spent on them, why not spend some time learning more about Search Engine Optimization. Draw out an action plan after you finish your business plan and then work from there. Be persistence about your plan and do somethingeverday or weekend to promote your business. Everything about sales is about promotion and network marketing online is no exception.
Money spent
You have to be a little persistent in spending money out of the pocket at the very first wether is with Seriesse or any other business opportuntiy. Its funny how most people will know how to get a loan to build a regular business venture but bulk at spending money to build their online network marketing business. True there is the objection about trust and fly by night schemes but once you have established the validity of the business venture you are running, start planning and spend money according to a business plan and estimate how much you will be making monthly and try to hit those targets.
In conclusion, persistence and the hardworking ethic has been with us since the Protestant Reformation and the value of applying this quality in online network marketing cannot be understated as it is the foundation of any successful business endeavour be it offline or online.
Persistent in belief
Some of the top Seriesse International online marketing gurus they firmly believe in consistency, this is a major key. The art of persuasion is partly founded in persistence. If you truly believe that you can achieve greater financial mastery online though your internet mlm business, your actions and even your words will translate such belief and affirmation. However if you waver in your thoughts, the power of your conviction will not be seen in the things that you do.
Time spent promoting
An internet mlm business like all sales and marketing business ventures requires time spent marketing and promoting online and Seriesse International is not an exception. Let no one try to seduce you into joining one million hits per day hit exchanges, because for the amount of time spent on them, why not spend some time learning more about Search Engine Optimization. Draw out an action plan after you finish your business plan and then work from there. Be persistence about your plan and do somethingeverday or weekend to promote your business. Everything about sales is about promotion and network marketing online is no exception.
Money spent
You have to be a little persistent in spending money out of the pocket at the very first wether is with Seriesse or any other business opportuntiy. Its funny how most people will know how to get a loan to build a regular business venture but bulk at spending money to build their online network marketing business. True there is the objection about trust and fly by night schemes but once you have established the validity of the business venture you are running, start planning and spend money according to a business plan and estimate how much you will be making monthly and try to hit those targets.
In conclusion, persistence and the hardworking ethic has been with us since the Protestant Reformation and the value of applying this quality in online network marketing cannot be understated as it is the foundation of any successful business endeavour be it offline or online.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Your Seriesse Decisions Into Perspective
Seriesse International words of wisdomModern life is complicated. Every day involves a careful balancing act between duty and pleasure, responsibilities to our family, friends, employer, and community must be balanced between our need and right to spend some time enjoying life.
Many of us are fortunate that at least a portion of our responsibilities also coincide with pleasure, but no matter how much we love our family or our job part of being a grown up is accepting that along with the joys of family and profession comes some drudgery. I love my family but no one can make me like scrubbing the bathroom or enjoy grocery shopping. I love my job but along with teaching the subject I love comes a mountain of grading that is sometimes frightening to contemplate. Even when life is progressing smoothly there are unpleasant tasks and choices to make. But what happens when life gets complicated and unpleasant decisions need to be made?
Like many people in the past I was often paralyzed by difficult decisions. When it seemed that there was no good choice I would often duck responsibility altogether until a decision was forced upon me. Then of course I would usually be unhappy with the results. Most people are more decisive than I was but are frustrated by their decision-making.
Some make all their decisions based on what they need or want right now. While this strategy can make life simpler, and sometimes happier, in the short term over time it often leads to problems with money, relationships, or your Seriesse business.
Some make all their decisions based on their needs and wants for the coming year. While this strategy can also make life easier in the now it could still result in future problems.
Some make all their decisions based on their future needs and wants. This can often lead to an unhappy present as most pleasures are deferred to the future achievement of long term goals, but avoids the long-term problems the other choices created.
I have learned the hard way that good decision-making means achieving a balance of these three methods. When facing a tough choice look at the results in the now, in a year, and in a decade. Visualizing how the effects of a decision will impact your life should empower you to make better decisions and to make living with those decisions easier.
By now you have probably guessed what decision we made. Once we broke down our decision and looked at the advantages and disadvantages in the now, in a year, and in a decade it was easy to see what was really important to consider. Only a week into school and our son has fully adjusted to his new school and has already made friends. Next year will mean some more changes but by then he will be comfortable and happy with his school. And in a decade he will be in high school. However, the care and thought we put into choosing a preschool program and school district will play a major part in his success at that level.
If you have trouble making decisions, or living with the consequences of the decisions you make, then using this simple strategy will make your life easier and better. Compare the expected outcome of each choice in your life now, in one year, and in one decade.
Many of us are fortunate that at least a portion of our responsibilities also coincide with pleasure, but no matter how much we love our family or our job part of being a grown up is accepting that along with the joys of family and profession comes some drudgery. I love my family but no one can make me like scrubbing the bathroom or enjoy grocery shopping. I love my job but along with teaching the subject I love comes a mountain of grading that is sometimes frightening to contemplate. Even when life is progressing smoothly there are unpleasant tasks and choices to make. But what happens when life gets complicated and unpleasant decisions need to be made?
Like many people in the past I was often paralyzed by difficult decisions. When it seemed that there was no good choice I would often duck responsibility altogether until a decision was forced upon me. Then of course I would usually be unhappy with the results. Most people are more decisive than I was but are frustrated by their decision-making.
Some make all their decisions based on what they need or want right now. While this strategy can make life simpler, and sometimes happier, in the short term over time it often leads to problems with money, relationships, or your Seriesse business.
Some make all their decisions based on their needs and wants for the coming year. While this strategy can also make life easier in the now it could still result in future problems.
Some make all their decisions based on their future needs and wants. This can often lead to an unhappy present as most pleasures are deferred to the future achievement of long term goals, but avoids the long-term problems the other choices created.
I have learned the hard way that good decision-making means achieving a balance of these three methods. When facing a tough choice look at the results in the now, in a year, and in a decade. Visualizing how the effects of a decision will impact your life should empower you to make better decisions and to make living with those decisions easier.
By now you have probably guessed what decision we made. Once we broke down our decision and looked at the advantages and disadvantages in the now, in a year, and in a decade it was easy to see what was really important to consider. Only a week into school and our son has fully adjusted to his new school and has already made friends. Next year will mean some more changes but by then he will be comfortable and happy with his school. And in a decade he will be in high school. However, the care and thought we put into choosing a preschool program and school district will play a major part in his success at that level.
If you have trouble making decisions, or living with the consequences of the decisions you make, then using this simple strategy will make your life easier and better. Compare the expected outcome of each choice in your life now, in one year, and in one decade.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Seriesse International Winner's Attitude
Is your attitude with the Seriesse business in line with success? Or do you have an attitude that almost guarantees failure before you even begin? This is perhaps the most important area to clarify if you indeed want to attain a high degree of success.
There is a definitive difference between the attitudes of the successful versus those of the unsuccessful. Developing a “winner's” attitude is one of the most basic characteristics needed for achievement. Unfortunately, this is not something that society ingrains in us. Rather, we are more likely to be taught the exact opposite. It is easy to see why most people live a life filled with frustration and failure.
People do not want to take responsibility for the results they get. We learn at an early age to play the 'victim'. This allows us to absolve ourselves of any responsibility for what occurs in our lives. Naturally, when something good happens, we are quick to take credit. Yet, when something negative arises, we rapidly move in the mode of blame. It is someone (or something) else's fault. We point the finger at whatever we can. This allows us to feel better about ourselves by believing that we are not at fault.
The destructiveness of this mindset is that many go into that mode before they approach the particular situation. They have their alibis lined up prior to starting. Thus, when failure does arise, it is a simple process to assign blame. Unfortunately, someone operating under this concept does not understand how the mind creates what it focuses upon. By concentrating on all that can go wrong, the mind actually manifests this. The decision to find blame allows the mind to rest. Once it is satisfied that it found who was responsible, the creative process is ceased.
Many have a half hearted attitude towards most of what they do, with the Seriesse business or any opportunity. Being successful in that endeavor is not a driving force. Naturally they would like to accomplish what they set out to do. However, if they do not, it is alright. They will simply offer a variety of excuses as to why things worked out the way they did. These excuses will show how they are not at fault. Since this is the mindset going in, the creative powers are not utilized to arrive at a successful conclusion. A half-hearted attempt is made which typically ends in an undesired result.
This is not what the successful do. Their attitude is exactly opposite. Instead of figuring who to blame or ways to avoid responsibility, the successful take this head on. They carry the mindset that they will achieve the desired results no matter what obstacles are encountered. All responsibility falls on their shoulders. Once they decide to do something, it is only a matter of time before it is accomplished. Anything that hinders the forward progress is overcome. All action is taken with the intent on achieving success. Any other possibility is never enters their mind.
For anyone involved with Seriesse International wishing to be successful, this is the attitude needed to attain those results. A helpful exercise is to watch how top athletes approach their profession. The batting champion expects to get a hit every time he walks to the plate. Tiger Woods believes that he will win every golf tournament he enters. The same is true of Roger Federer in tennis. Second place is not a possibility to these people. This is the same attitude you need to have in your own life. When you set out to do something, do so with the belief that you will get it done.
Eliminate the excuses from your life. Blaming is a habit guaranteed to relegate you to a life of failure. It is the attitude of those who do not truly believe they can be successful. The winner's take responsibility for the outcomes in all situations. Believing that you will be successful beforehand increases the likelihood that it will come true.
Many define a true decision as 'a decision that cuts off any other possibility'. Decide what it is that you want and make sure that it happens. This will instantly create better results in every area of your life.
There is a definitive difference between the attitudes of the successful versus those of the unsuccessful. Developing a “winner's” attitude is one of the most basic characteristics needed for achievement. Unfortunately, this is not something that society ingrains in us. Rather, we are more likely to be taught the exact opposite. It is easy to see why most people live a life filled with frustration and failure.
People do not want to take responsibility for the results they get. We learn at an early age to play the 'victim'. This allows us to absolve ourselves of any responsibility for what occurs in our lives. Naturally, when something good happens, we are quick to take credit. Yet, when something negative arises, we rapidly move in the mode of blame. It is someone (or something) else's fault. We point the finger at whatever we can. This allows us to feel better about ourselves by believing that we are not at fault.
The destructiveness of this mindset is that many go into that mode before they approach the particular situation. They have their alibis lined up prior to starting. Thus, when failure does arise, it is a simple process to assign blame. Unfortunately, someone operating under this concept does not understand how the mind creates what it focuses upon. By concentrating on all that can go wrong, the mind actually manifests this. The decision to find blame allows the mind to rest. Once it is satisfied that it found who was responsible, the creative process is ceased.
Many have a half hearted attitude towards most of what they do, with the Seriesse business or any opportunity. Being successful in that endeavor is not a driving force. Naturally they would like to accomplish what they set out to do. However, if they do not, it is alright. They will simply offer a variety of excuses as to why things worked out the way they did. These excuses will show how they are not at fault. Since this is the mindset going in, the creative powers are not utilized to arrive at a successful conclusion. A half-hearted attempt is made which typically ends in an undesired result.
This is not what the successful do. Their attitude is exactly opposite. Instead of figuring who to blame or ways to avoid responsibility, the successful take this head on. They carry the mindset that they will achieve the desired results no matter what obstacles are encountered. All responsibility falls on their shoulders. Once they decide to do something, it is only a matter of time before it is accomplished. Anything that hinders the forward progress is overcome. All action is taken with the intent on achieving success. Any other possibility is never enters their mind.
For anyone involved with Seriesse International wishing to be successful, this is the attitude needed to attain those results. A helpful exercise is to watch how top athletes approach their profession. The batting champion expects to get a hit every time he walks to the plate. Tiger Woods believes that he will win every golf tournament he enters. The same is true of Roger Federer in tennis. Second place is not a possibility to these people. This is the same attitude you need to have in your own life. When you set out to do something, do so with the belief that you will get it done.
Eliminate the excuses from your life. Blaming is a habit guaranteed to relegate you to a life of failure. It is the attitude of those who do not truly believe they can be successful. The winner's take responsibility for the outcomes in all situations. Believing that you will be successful beforehand increases the likelihood that it will come true.
Many define a true decision as 'a decision that cuts off any other possibility'. Decide what it is that you want and make sure that it happens. This will instantly create better results in every area of your life.
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